1 Minute Typing Test

Improve your average typing speed with the 1 minute online typing test.

Check your typing speed and average words per minute.

Start typing to begin the test.

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0 characters correct 0 words correct

The speed typing test is not available on smaller screen sizes. To test your writing speed and average words per minute, use a laptop or computer keyboard.

What is Speed Typing?

Speed typing is a way to describe a fast writing style that yields a high number of words per minute. By using a speed typing online test, you can improve your writing speed and rank higher in any future typing assessment tests.

How Can I Improve My Typing Speed?

The easiest way to type fast is by practice. Take the writing test multiple times and pay attention to where you are making mistakes. With practice you will find that the average words typed per minute increases over time.

What is The Average Words per Minute?

The average typing speed for most users is around 40 - 50 wpm (average words per minute). Writing with an average wpm speed of 60 or above is considered very fast. It requires fast fingers to be able to type at this speed without making lots of typing errors.

What Is a WPM Test?

The abbreviation wpm means words per minute. The average wpm is a way of calculating the speed and competency of an individuals typing abilities.

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