10 Tips to Increase your Writing Speed

If you've ever tried your hand at writing, then you know that it can be a difficult task to undertake.

However, it can also be extremely rewarding. Whether you're writing a paper for class, penning a blog post you hope goes viral, or even just trying to get better at writing your emails, there are plenty of benefits to honing your writing skills. No matter how good you think you are at writing, there is always room to improve.

With that in mind, here are 10 tips to help you increase your writing speed:

1. Mindset is everything

Every writer, including myself, has a writing process that they follow when creating content. While each writer's process may look different, there are some common factors that affect writing speed.

One of the most important factors is mindset. Having the right mindset is crucial to writing quickly and effectively. If you want to improve your writing speed, you'll need to change your mindset and approach to writing.

2. Plan your writing in advance

You might think that you enter a flow, where the words pour out of you. But that's rarely the case. Whether you're writing fiction or non-fiction, a blog post or a short story, you must plan your writing in advance.

This means that you should write an outline of your article, blog post, short story or novel. You'll be more likely to achieve a higher word-count if you plan your writing than if you don't.

3. Keep a pen & notepad handy

This is a trick I use for writing blog posts. I always have a pen and notepad handy when I'm online, so I can take notes and write down ideas. This allows me to do all of my writing offline and only publish it once I've taken the time to make all of the edits I need to make. This lets me focus on my writing and not get distracted by the internet.

4. Be social

If you are working alone and not interacting with people, you are missing out on a lot of opportunities. When you read a book or a blog, you are learning from other people's experiences. It is like learning from someone else's life.

If you are working alone, you are not learning anything new. But if you are connected with people through social media sites, you are not only learning new things but also sharing your knowledge with others.

5. Understand your writer's block

It's the curse of the creative mind. The dreaded writer's block. It can happen to the best of us, but it doesn't have to stop us. Unfortunately, we're all human and we all get writer's block from time to time. There's no shame in it - we've all been there and can relate to the challenges of writer's block.

Writer's block is basically the feeling of psychological or mental roadblocks to writing. Even the best writers can get stuck at times. But don't worry - we've got a few tips to help you get out of that rut.

6. Stay focused

One of the biggest things that slows down your writing is distraction. It can be any distraction, from the people around you to the TV in the background to the kitten that is frolicking on your desk.

But the most common distractions come from ourselves. We may get an idea of something cool, or a thought we want to work in, or anything else and we stop writing, or we stop to write it down or elaborate on it. We never finish the blog post and sometimes, we never even start.

Find a place that you can work without distractions. Perhaps it's at the library, or a quiet cafe nearby your home. Turn your phone to silent, or leave it in another room. There are so many distractions in recent times, which requires additional effort to distance yourself from them.

7. Use Online Writing Tools to Assist You

There are certainly no shortage of writing tools available to content writers these days. Whether you're looking for help with grammar, ideas, or just a little motivation, there's sure to be a tool out there that can help.

One of the most popular writing tools these days is Grammarly, which can help you with everything from catching typos to fixing grammatical errors. If you're struggling to come up with ideas, try using a tool like WordStream, which can help you generate ideas based on keywords and other input. And if you need a little help staying focused, try using a tool like Freedom, which can block distractions so you can get down to business.

There are plenty of other writing tools out there, so explore and find the ones that work best for you. With the right tools in your arsenal, you'll be well on your way to producing great content.

8. Write on a schedule

When it comes to writing, it's not just about getting the content out there. It's about being able to create a great piece of content that is focused and has a clear direction. You don't want to spend a lot of time on a blog post that never gets finished because your mind wandered off or you couldn't stay focused. When writing, make it a point to schedule a time to write every day.

But the key to writing a blog post is to learn the tricks to writing as fast as you can. This will help you to stay on track and help you to create a great piece of content.

9. Don't let your writing define you

Have you ever had a teacher or professor tell you that you write too slow? Maybe you complained that you just weren't a fast writer. Well, there is a way to increase your writing speed which most people don't know about. It's called writing longhand.

The idea is simple: instead of using a computer to write your first draft, use a pen and paper. This will force you to focus more on what you're writing. You'll find that writing longhand will increase your writing speed and make you a more productive writer. I know that many people won't think this is a good idea and will want to stick to their computers, but I challenge you to give it a try.

All you need to do is keep a pen and paper next to your computer and try writing for just a few minutes every day. You'll be surprised by how fast you can write and how much faster you can finish essays and blog posts once you start using this technique.

10. Enjoy your writing journey

As a writer, you have to have a passion for writing. You have to enjoy the process, especially when it comes to writing the first draft. For me, writing is like a rollercoaster.

I love the feeling of being on top of the world, the feeling of being on a roll with all the ideas flowing through me. But then, the other side of me craves for the end, because I know it will come. The bad news is, once you start writing, you can't stop. The good news is, once you start writing, you can't stop.


Writing is a great way to express yourself, but can be challenging for a number of reasons. Following these tips that we covered in this article can help you become a better writer.

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